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Mantis Query Language

Mantis Query Language (MQL) is a dialect of SQL implemented as an abstraction over RxJava Observables. The purpose of MQL is to make it easy for Mantis users to query, transform, and analyze data flowing through Mantis. MQL maintains high fidelity to SQL syntax while adding capabilities for dealing with JSON structure, as well as a rich set of aggregates for answering analytical queries about the data in question.

Consuming a Mantis Stream

There are a few ways to consume a Mantis Stream.

Using the Low-Level Library

To use MQL, include the mql-jvm library in your dependencies.

Refer to the example below for a minimalist getting started guide. Imagine we have a source of Map<String, Object> representing your data (recall that Mantis events can be easily parsed as such). Executing a query against that Observable is only a matter of putting that Observable into a Map<String, Observable> to represent the context and calling evalMql against said context. The result will be an Observable that represents the results of the query:

package my.package;
import java.util.HashMap;

class MqlExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a test observable source of x, y coordinates.
        Observable<HashMap<String, Object>> source = Observable.interval(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).map(x -> {
            HashMap<String, Object> d = new HashMap<>();
            d.put("x", x);
            d.put("y", x);

        HashMap<String, Observable<HashMap<String, Object>> context = new HashMap<>();
        context.put("observations", source);
        // You don't have to block, and shouldn't. It is just to keep the example running.
        io.mantisrx.mql.Core.evalMql("select y from observations where x > 50 OR y == 10", context).toBlocking().forEach(System.out::println);