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Configuring Atlassian Confluence


Dispatch ships with Atlassian Confluence storage and document plugins. This page describes the available configurations for the plugins.

Dispatch configuration variables for storage plugin

API URL [Required]

URL of the confluence cloud instance.

Username [Required]

Username for accessing the confluence instance. This user should have permission to create pages in the space.

Password [Required]

API token to access the confluence instance. Please refer to the link on creating a new API token.

Incident template ID [Required]

This is the page id of the template that contains the post incident review document details. The plugin uses this template to create a new page and then replace the supported variables with the incident details.

Default Space ID [Required]

This is the default space key where all the pages will be created in confluence.

Parent ID of the pages [Required]

This is the page id, where all the new pages and subpages will be created.

Dispatch Configuration Variables for document plugin

API URL [Required]

URL of the confluence cloud instance.

Username [Required]

Username for accessing the confluence instance. This user should have permission to create pages in the space.

Password [Required]

API token to access the confluence instance. Please refer to the link on creating a new API token.