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First Install

Dispatch uses the same configuration system as Starlette.

By default, the config is read from environment variables or .env files.


All config items prefixed with VITE_ are envvars for the Vue frontend. These variables are used only during the building of the javascript bundle. See here for details. You will want to include these variables in src/dispatch/static/dispatch/.env during build time.


In general, do not include any quotation marks when adding configuration values.


LOG_LEVEL [default: 'WARNING']

Controls the level of logging the application will perform during operations. Possible values: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG

STATIC_DIR [default: './src/static/dispatch/dist']

Controls where on the local disk, static content for the Dispatch Web UI should be served. This variable can also be explicitly set to '' if you wish to serve static content outside of the Dispatch server.

METRIC_PROVIDERS [default: ""]

A comma-separated list of metric providers where Dispatch will send key system metrics.

SECRET_PROVIDER [default: None]

Defines the provider to use for configuration secret decryption. Available options are: kms-secret and metatron-secret

ENV_TAGS [default: ""]

A comma-separated list of tags that Dispatch will attempt to pull from the environment. For example, the string foo:bar,baz:blah will create two tags: foo with the environment value for bar and baz with the environment value for blah.

SENTRY_DSN [default: none]

Optional configuration for using Sentry to report Dispatch errors.

MJML_PATH [default: /node_modules/.bin]

Dispatch uses MJML to generate its HTML emails. This package also requires the node binary to be available on the standard path (or set in Dispatch's path). Use this variable to adjust the location where Dispatch should look for the mjml command. If you are using the stock docker image of Dispatch you must manually set this field to the default path.


URL of the Dispatch's Admin UI, used by messaging to refer to the Admin UI.


DISPATCH_AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER_SLUG ['default': dispatch-auth-provider-basic]

Used by Dispatch to determine which authentication provider to use; by default, Dispatch ships with a PKCE authentication provider.


If you wish to disable authentication set DISPATCH_AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER_SLUG=

Configuration for dispatch-auth-provider-basic


Today, basic authentication allows self-registration without approval.


For this plugin to work, you need to set DISPATCH_JWT_SECRET.


Used by the basic auth provider to mint JWT tokens.

DISPATCH_JWT_ALG ['default': 'HS256']

Used by the basic auth provider to mint JWT tokens.

DISPATCH_JWT_EXP ['default': 86400 ]

Used by the basic auth provider to mint JWT tokens and set their expiration.


Override what the Audience is expected to be in the PKCE JWT decode


Override where Dispatch should find the user email in the idtoken.


Used as the default anonymous user when authentication is disabled.

Configuration for dispatch-auth-provider-pkce


For this plugin to work with your OIDC setup, you may need to set DISPATCH_JWT_AUDIENCE and DISPATCH_PKCE_DONT_VERIFY_AT_HASH.


Used by Dispatch's authentication backend to pull the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) public key from the specified provider. This will likely be the jwks_uri URL from your OIDC provider. This is required when using the dispatch-auth-provider-pkce auth provider.


Depending on what values your OIDC provider sends, you may need to set this to true for the Dispatch backend to be able to decode the JWT token.


The well-known configuration URL for your OIDC provider, without a trailing slash. Used by the Dispatch Web UI to authenticate a user via Proof Key Code Exchange (PKCE).


The client id to send to the OpenID Connect endpoint.


Use id_token instead of default access_token. Details Depends on the identity provider.

Configuration for dispatch-auth-provider-header

Authenticate users based on HTTP request headers. Useful when Dispatch is behind a reverse proxy performing authentication.



Make sure the reverse proxy strips this header from incoming requests (i.e. user-provided). Failure to do so will result in authentication bypass.

The HTTP request header to use as the user name, this value is case-insensitive.

Configuration for dispatch-auth-provider-aws-alb

Authenticate users based on AWS Application Load Balancer authenticate.


ARN of your Load Balancer, used to validate the signer. The format is arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:region-code:account-id:loadbalancer/app/load-balancer-name/load-balancer-id. This is required when using the dispatch-auth-provider-aws-alb auth provider.


Override where Dispatch should find the user email in the users claims.


Override how long Dispatch should cache the public key, used to validate the payload.


Add a ALB listener action without authenticate for /api/v1/{organization}/events/* if you want plugins to be public. Plugins determine their own authentication.



Dispatch relies on a Postgres database. This hostname should point to a supporter version of Postgres (9.6+).


Credentials specified in username:password format to be used to authenticate to the postgres database.

DATABASE_NAME [default: 'dispatch']

Allows the user to specify the database name for the Dispatch backend.

DATABASE_PORT [default: '5432']

Allows the user to specify the database port for the Dispatch backend.


Incident Cost

Dispatch calculates the cost of an incident by adding up the time participants have spent on each incident role (e.g., Incident Commander) and applying an engagement multiplier that's based on the incident role. It also includes time spent on incident review-related activities. Dispatch calculates and published the cost for all incidents every 5 minutes.