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Core Properties

Name Type Default Description
dgs.graphql.path String "/graphql" Path to the endpoint that will serve GraphQL requests.
dgs.graphql.introspection.enabled Boolean true Enables graphql introspection functionality. Boolean true Toggles showing graphql SDL comments in introspection query results.
dgs.graphql.schema-json.enabled Boolean true Enables schema-json endpoint functionality.
If you are using Spring GraphQL, use spring.graphql.schema.printer.enabled instead.
dgs.graphql.schema-json.path String "/schema.json" Path to the schema-json endpoint without trailing slash.
dgs.graphql.schema-locations [String] "classpath*:schema/**/*.graphql*" Location of the GraphQL schema files.
dgs.graphql.graphiql.enabled Boolean true Enables GraphiQL functionality.
dgs.graphql.graphiql.path String "/graphiql" Path to the GraphiQL endpoint without trailing slash.
dgs.graphql.graphiql.title String "Simple GraphiQL Example" Title of the GraphiQL page
dgs.graphql.enable-entity-fetcher-custom-scalar-parsing Boolean false Enables the bug fix for entity fetcher custom scalar parsing. This will eventually be enabled by default.
dgs.graphql.dataloader.ticker-mode-enabled Boolean false Enables the ticker mode for scheduling data loader dispatches.
dgs.graphql.dataloader.schedule-duration String 10ms Set the schedule for scheduling dispatch predicate checks.
dgs.graphql.preparsed-document-provider.enabled Boolean false Enables a Caffiene-cache backed implementation of a PreparsedDocumentProvider.
dgs.graphql.preparsed-document-provider.maximum-cache-size Long 2000 Sets the maximum size of the PreparsedDocumentProvider Caffiene-cache.
dgs.graphql.preparsed-document-provider.cache-validity-duration String PT1H How long a cached entry in the PreparsedDocumentProvider Caffiene-cache is valid for. Specified as an ISO-8601 duration string.

Example: Configure the location of the GraphQL Schema Files

You can configure the location of your GraphQL schema files via the dgs.graphql.schema-locations property. By default it will attempt to load them from the schema directory via the Classpath, i.e. using classpath*:schema/**/*.graphql*. Let's go through an example, let's say you want to change the directory from being schema to graphql-schemas, you would define your configuration as follows:

      - classpath*:graphql-schemas/**/*.graphql*

Now, if you want to add additional locations to look for the GraphQL Schema files you add them to the list. For example, let's say we want to also look into your graphql-experimental-schemas:

      - classpath*:graphql-schemas/**/*.graphql*
      - classpath*:graphql-experimental-schemas/**/*.graphql*

DGS Extended Scalars: graphql-dgs-extended-scalars

Name Type Default Description
dgs.graphql.extensions.scalars.enabled Boolean true Registered the Scalar Extensions available in graphql-java-extended-scalars for the DGS Framework.
dgs.graphql.extensions.scalars.chars.enabled Boolean true Will register the Char scalar extension.
dgs.graphql.extensions.scalars.numbers.enabled Boolean true Will register all numeric scalar extensions (PositiveInt, NegativeInt, NonPositiveInt, NonNegativeInt, PositiveFloat, NegativeFloat, NonPositiveFloat, NonNegativeFloat, Long, Short, Byte, BigDecimal, BigInteger).
dgs.graphql.extensions.scalars.objects.enabled Boolean true Will register the Object, Json, Url, and Locale scalar extensions.
dgs.graphql.extensions.scalars.time-dates.enabled Boolean true Will register the DateTime, Date, Time and LocalTime scalar extensions.
dgs.graphql.extensions.scalars.ids.enabled Boolean true Will register the UUID scalar extension. Boolean true Will register the CountryCode scalar extension.
dgs.graphql.extensions.scalars.currency Boolean true Will register the Currency scalar extension.

DGS Extended Validation: graphql-dgs-extended-validation

Name Type Default Description
dgs.graphql.extensions.validation.enabled Boolean true Registered the Validation Schema Directive Extensions available in graphql-java-extended-validation for the DGS Framework.

DGS Metrics: graphql-dgs-spring-boot-micrometer

Name Type Default Description
management.metrics.dgs-graphql.enabled Boolean true Enables DGS' GraphQL metrics, via micrometer.
management.metrics.dgs-graphql.instrumentation.enabled Boolean true Enables DGS' GraphQL's base instrumentation; emits gql.query, gql.resolver, and gql.error meters. Boolean true Enables DGS' instrumentation for DataLoader; emits gql.dataLoader meters.
management.metrics.dgs-graphql.tag-customizers.outcome.enabled Boolean true Enables DGS' GraphQL Outcome tag customizer. This adds an OUTCOME tag that is ether SUCCESS or ERROR to the emitted gql meters.
management.metrics.dgs-graphql.query-signature.enabled Boolean true Enables DGS' QuerySignatureRepository; if available metrics will be tagged with the gql.query.sig.hash.
management.metrics.dgs-graphql.query-signature.caching.enabled Boolean true Enables DGS' QuerySignature caching; if set to false the signature will always be calculated on each request.
management.metrics.dgs-graphql.tags.limiter.limit Integer 100 The limit that will apply for this tag. The interpretation of this limit depends on the cardinality limiter itself.
management.metrics.dgs-graphql.autotime.percentiles [Double] [] DGS Micrometer Timers percentiles, e.g. [0.95, 0.99, 0.50]. 1
management.metrics.dgs-graphql.autotime.percentiles-histogram Boolean false Enables publishing percentile histograms for the DGS Micrometer Timers. 1


You can configure percentiles, and enable percentile histograms, directly via the per-meter customizations available out of the box in Spring Boot. For example, to enable percentile histograms for all gql.* meters you can set the following property:


For more information please refer to Spring Boot's Per Meter Properties.

  1. Spring Boot's Per Meter Properties can be used to configure percentiles, and histograms, out of the box.