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Relay Pagination

Relay Pagination

The DGS framework supports dynamic generation of schema types for cursor based pagination based on the relay spec. When a type in the graphql schema is annotated with the @connection directive, the framework generates the corresponding Connection and Edge types, along with the common PageInfo.

This avoids boilerplate code around defining related Connection and Edge types in the schema for every type that needs to be paginated.


The @connection directive only works for DGSs that are not required to register the static schema file with an external service (since the relay types are dynamically generated). For example, in a federated architecture involving a gateway, some gateway implementations may or may not recognize the @connection directive when working with a static schema file.

Set up

To enable the use of @connection directive for generating the schema for pagination, add the following module to dependencies in your build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation ''

Next, add the directive on the type you want to paginate.

type Query {
      hello: MessageConnection

type Message @connection {
    name: String

Note that the @connection directive is defined automatically by the framework, so there is no need to add it to your schema file.

This results in the following relay types dynamically generated and added to the schema:

type MessageConnection {
  "Field edges"
  edges: [MessageEdge]
  "Field pageInfo"
  pageInfo: PageInfo

type MessageEdge {
    "Field node"
    node: Message
    "Field cursor"
    cursor: String

type PageInfo {
    "Field hasPreviousPage"
    hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
    "Field hasNextPage"
    hasNextPage: Boolean!
    "Field startCursor"
    startCursor: String
    "Field endCursor"
    endCursor: String

You can now use the corresponding graphql.relay types for Connection<T>, Edge<T> and PageInfo to set up your datafetcher as shown here:

@DgsData(parentType = "Query", field = "hello")
public Connection<Message> hello(DataFetchingEnvironment env) {
    return new SimpleListConnection<>(Collections.singletonList(new Message("This is a generated connection"))).get(env);

If your schema references a pagination type in a nested type, and you are using the code generation plugin, you will need some additional configuration, as described in the next section.

Testing in Java

Don't forget to provide DgsPaginationTypeDefinitionRegistry.class and PageInfo.class when testing.

@SpringBootTest(classes = {DgsAutoConfiguration.class, DgsPaginationTypeDefinitionRegistry.class, PageInfo.class})
class Test {

## Configuring Code Generation 
If you are using the [DGS Codegen Plugin]( for generating your data model, you will need to also add a type mapping for the relay types.
The code generation plugin does not process the `@connection` directive and therefore needs to be configured so the generated classes can refer to the mapped type.

For example,
  typeMapping = ["MessageConnection": "graphql.relay.SimpleListConnection<Message>"]