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We currently run our agents on Ubuntu Xenial (16.04.2) with kernel 4.9.34 with patches for EFS. Until Titus open source supports EFS, it is likely that Xenial and a 4.9 kernel is sufficient.

We run all other tiers of Titus on Trusty.

Mesos and Zookeeper

  • Zookeeper 3.4.8 (with Exhibitor 1.5.5)
  • Mesos 1.0.1

We run a high availability configuration of Mesos and Zookeeper. You can run this on a node using Docker in a non-production mode by using:

sudo docker run -d -p 2181:2181 --name zookeeper jplock/zookeeper:3.4.10
sudo docker run -d -p 5050:5050 --net=host --name mesomaster mesosphere/mesos-master:1.0.1-2.0.93.ubuntu1404 mesos-master --zk=zk://localhost:2181/titus/mainvpc/mesos --work_dir=/tmp/master --log_dir=/var/log/mesos --logging_level=INFO --quorum=1

You can see the key ports for these are 2181 (Zookeeper) and 5050 (Mesos).


We deploy Titus via Spinnaker to an EC2 cloud provider. Eventually we may release these pipelines, but for now we suggest direct deployments using the AWS EC2 console.

Docker Registry

We operate a docker registry based on Docker Distribution. We have tested with Dockerhub and suggest this or the EC2 Container Registry Service (ECR).

AWS Configuration

IAM Role and security group for Titus are documented.


We use Cassandra as our persistence store for Titus master. For OSS, we current suggest the in-memory store.

We have integration with Eureka to disable agents and monitor health. For now, this is not part of the OSS implementation.

We write all task state updates to Elastic Search for operational insight. For now, this is not part of the OSS implementation.

We use Edda to understand which ASG's are available in Titus. For now, this is not part of the OSS implementation.