
Below are some questions we’ve frequently been asked about Genie. If you have a question you don’t see here or elsewhere on the site feel free to submit a question to the Google Group.

Any Version

Is Genie a scheduler?

Genie is not a workflow scheduler, such as Oozie. Genie’s unit of execution is a single job. Genie doesn’t schedule or run workflows. At Netflix we use an enterprise scheduler Automic to run our ETL. Genie is not a task scheduler, such as the Hadoop fair share or capacity schedulers either. We think of Genie as a resource match-maker, since it matches a user job to an appropriate cluster based on the job parameters and cluster properties.

Does Genie provision, launch and manage clusters?

Genie is not a resource manager per se - it doesn’t provision or launch clusters, and neither does it scale clusters up and down based on their utilization. Instead, Genie is a repository of clusters, commands and applications with API’s for configuration and job execution. Genie matches jobs to the appropriate clusters based on their properties. If there are multiple clusters that are candidates to run a job, Genie chooses a cluster at random - however, a custom load balancer may be written to choose a cluster more intelligently.

Does Genie only work in the cloud?

No. As the demo for any 3.x version of Genie shows it can run without any cloud provider in the loop. It’s also not tied to any specific cloud provider if you are using one.

How much latency does Genie add?

Less than a second to a few seconds at most. This is because all the job dependencies have to be uploaded/download from somewhere to the working directory, and job logs have can be archived to after job submission is complete.

Is it good to run “select-*” type queries in Genie?

Even though you can run “select *“-type queries which generate results in the standard output, it is not encouraged if those queries are likely to generate lots of data (greater than a few MB). If you plan on writing a lot of data to standard out it is recommended you either mount a large drive for the genie-jobs directory or write the results somewhere like HDFS or S3 in your query.

Are jobs idempotent?

The Execution Service can trigger jobs which may write to tables or S3 paths - re-running the same jobs may lead to inconsistencies. One scenario that can lead to inconsistencies is if a client makes a REST call and dies before receiving a response. To avoid this scenario, clients can generate a unique ID and pass it to the Jobs API along with their request. If a job is already running with this ID Genie will not rerun it and simply return an HTTP 409 error (for conflict).

Are user and group required when submitting a job?

The user parameter is required for job submissions jobs will be run as the specified user if the admin enabled this setting. The group is optional.

Do I need to escape quotes in my command line arguments?

If you have quotes in your command-line arguments, you have to escape it. An example of a valid JSON payload string with quotes in the command-line arguments is as follows:

{ “name”: “MY_HIVE_JOB”, “user” : “skrishnan”, “group” : “netflix”, “commandArgs”: “-e \“use default; show tables\””, … }

How are jobs killed when I call send a DELETE to the job API?

Job destruction behaves differently depending on the type of job being launched. A kill API call on the Job sends a SIGINT signal to the client of the job. The behavior will depend on how the client handles it (e.g. the hive client).

2.x Questions

I get a 404 error when I hit a job’s output URI? How do I fix this?

Most likely you don’t have Tomcat’s directory listing enabled. Follow instructions from the [Setup Guide] (https://github.com/Netflix/genie/wiki/Setup#Enable-Listings-in-Tomcat).

Where are my logs?

Look inside the outputURI of the job. All the job status information ends up in the standard error log. If you end up with a zero-byte stdout log and the job claims it is succeeded, you may just have run a query with no results - you can look into the stderr logs to confirm.

In summary, you should look at the stderr logs for the status of a running job during execution (to figure out the % done).

Why am I seeing javax.el errors when I try to run my application which uses

the Genie client?

Genie uses Hibernate Validator for bean validation Issue. Since Genie (and its client) generally run in a servlet container we intentionally follow the model set by Hibernate for how it handles the Java Expression Langauge implementation. See the [Hibernate Getting Started] (http://hibernate.org/validator/documentation/getting-started/) for their take on the issue. To fix your issue if you’re running your application outside of a web container like Tomcat add a Expression Language implementation to your classpath as in those instructions and you should be fine.