Sherlock Holmes was a consulting detective who had spectacular powers of deduction and logical reasoning. Within sherlock's causal segmentation framework, sherlock_calculate takes data from a segmentation "case", the roles of the different variables, and specifications for assessing the conditional treatment effects required for deriving a segmentation. Being the workhorse, this function is the most demanding, as it computes all of the nuisance parameters required for subsequent analyses. The complementary functions watson_segment and mycroft_assess can be used once Sherlock has consulted on the causal segmentation case.

sherlock_calculate(data_from_case, baseline, exposure, outcome, segment_by,
  ids = NULL, treatment_cost = NULL, cv_folds = 5L,
  split_type = c("inner", "outer"), ps_learner, or_learner, cate_learner,
  use_cv_selector = FALSE)



Rectangular input data, whether a data.frame, data.table, or tibble.


A character vector specifying the column names in data_obs that correspond to the baseline covariates (conditioning set). These variables should temporally precede the exposure and outcome.


A character string (of length one) specifying the column in data_obs corresponding to the exposure or treatment. This variable should follow those in baseline in time but precede the response variable outcome.


A character string (of length one) specifying the column in data_obs corresponding to the response variable.


A character vector specifying the column names in data_obs that correspond to the covariates over which segmentation should be performed. This should be a strict subset of baseline.


A character string (of length one) specifying the column in data_obs that gives observation-level IDs. The default value of NULL assumes that all rows of data_obs are independent.


A character string (of length one) specifying the column in data_obs that provides the cost associated to treating the given unit. The default value of NULL assumes that all units are equally costly to treat.


A numeric specifying the number of cross-validation folds to be used for sample-splitting when estimating nuisance parameters.


A character string (of length one) indicating the sample-splitting "level" at which estimation of the CATE is performed. The choices are "inner", for estimation of the CATE within folds (i.e., at the the same level at which nuisance parameters are estimated), and "outer", in which case the CATE is estimated at the "full-sample" level.


Either an instantiated learner object (class inheriting from Lrnr_base), from sl3, or a list of specifications, or a constant rate between 0 and 1, to be used for estimation of the propensity score (the probability of receiving treatment, conditional on covariates). If list: each entry may be an instantiated learner object, or can be a list where one item is an instantiated learner object whose modeling requires specification, and the other item is a list of character vectors, where each vector specifies an interaction term. If constant rate, this rate represents the population probability of being assigned to treatment in an A/B tests. Note that the outcome of this estimation task is strictly binary and that algorithms or ensemble models should be set up accordingly.


Either an instantiated learner object (class inheriting from Lrnr_base), from sl3, or a list of specifications, to be used for estimation of the outcome regression (the mean of the response variable, conditional on exposure and covariates). If list: each entry can be an instantiated learner object, or can be a list where one item is an instantiated learner object whose modeling requires specification, and the other item is a list of character vectors, where each vector specifies an interaction term.


Either an instantiated learner object (class inheriting from Lrnr_base), from sl3, or a list of specifications, to be used to estimate the CATE, based on a regression of a doubly robust pseudo-outcome on the specified segmentation covariates. If list: each entry can be an instantiated learner object, or can be a list where one item is an instantiated learner object whose modeling requires specification, and the other item is a list of character vectors, where each vector specifies an interaction term. Note that the outcome of this estimation task is derived from the other nuisance parameter estimates and should be expected to always be continuous-valued, so algorithms or ensemble models should be set up accordingly.


If TRUE, then will use cross-validation to choose the best among a list of learners when fitting ps_learner, or_learner or cate_learner. If FALSE (default), then the default metalearner for the outcome type (from sl3) will be used. This argument will not be ignored for a learner that is not a list, but is instead an instantiated learner object.