Plot Method for Sherlock Summary Output

# S3 method for sherlock
plot(x, plot_type = c("cate", "treatment_decisions"),
  sort_by_significance = TRUE, digits = 3L, ...)



An object with class sherlock, which should be a modified data.table.


A character indicating the type of plot to be made. Use "cate" to plot only the CATE values across segments. When treatment decisions have been assigned by watson_segment, then "treatment_decisions" can be used to plot out the treatment rules, alongside the CATE estimates.


A logical. If TRUE, the results will be sorted based on the size of CATE estimates and treatment rules; if FALSE, then values will be sorted by the segment dimensions.


A numeric integer giving the number of digits to print in the entries of the summary table.


Other options (not currently used).


ggplot object.