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Spinning up your first Mantis cluster using Docker


Install Docker on your local machine (if you don't already have it)

  1. Mac
  2. Windows
  3. Linux

Bootstraping your first Mantis Cluster in Docker

See mantis-helm

Mantis Admin UI

The Mantis Admin UI allows you to manage your Mantis Jobs.

Open the Mantis UI in a new browser window.

Fill out the Registration form as follows

Fresh Mantis UI

  1. Name: Example
  2. Email:
  3. Master Name: Example
  4. Mantis API URL: http://localhost:7101
  5. Mesos URL: http://localhost:5050

Click on Create

The Mantis Admin page should be pre-populated with all the Mantis examples.


Try out Mantis Jobs

Now that you have setup a Mantis cluster locally try running some of the preconfigured Mantis samples

  1. Sine Function Sample - A simple job that generates x and y coordinates of a sine wave.

  2. Twitter Sample - Connects to a twitter stream using consumer and token keys specified and performs a streaming word count.

  3. On Demand Sample - Demonstrates how Mantis Jobs can pull events on demand from external applications.

Next steps
