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Iceberg (Beta)


Add this package to your dependencies:

implementation "io.mantisrx:mantis-connector-iceberg:1.2.+"

The Iceberg Sink has two components: Writers and a Committer.


Writers write Iceberg Records to files in a specific file format. Writers periodically stage their data by flushing their underlying files to produce metadata in the form of DataFiles which are sent to Committers.

Add an Iceberg Writer using one of the following approaches:

Separate Processing Stage

Use this approach to decouple your application logic from Iceberg writing logic to may make it easier to debug your Mantis Job. This approach incurs extra encode/decode and network cost to move data between workers.

public class ExampleIcebergSinkJob extends MantisJobProvider<Map<String, Object>> {

  public Job<Map<String, Object>> getJobInstance() {
      return MantisJob.source(<source that produces MantisServerSentEvents>)
          .stage(...)                                                           // (0)
          .stage(new IcebergWriterStage(), IcebergWriterStage.config())         // (1)
          .stage(new IcebergCommitterStage(), IcebergCommitterStage.config())   // (2)
              <job file properties name>,
              new IcebergModule()))                                             // (3)

(0) A series of Processing Stages that you define for your application logic. Produces an Iceberg Record. To emit Iceberg Records out of your separate Processing Stage, add the Iceberg Record Codec to your stage config.

(1) A Processing Stage of n parallelizable IcebergWriters. The Stage Config automatically adds an Iceberg DataFile Codec to encode/decode DataFiles between these workers and the Committer workers from the next stage downstream.

(2) A Processing Stage for 1 IcebergCommitter.

(3) A module for injecting dependencies and configs required to authenticate/connect/interact with backing Iceberg infrastructure.

With an existing Processing Stage

Use this approach to avoid incurring encode/decode and network costs. This approach may make your Mantis Job more difficult to debug.

public class ExampleIcebergSinkJob extends MantisJobProvider<Map<String, Object>> {

  public Job<Map<String, Object>> getJobInstance() {
      return MantisJob.source(<source that produces MantisServerSentEvents>)
          .stage(new ProcessingAndWriterStage(), <config>)                      // (0)
          .stage(new IcebergCommitterStage(), IcebergCommitterStage.config())   // (1)
              <job file properties name>,
              new IcebergModule()))                                             // (2)

 * Example class which takes in MantisServerSentEvents, performs some logic,
 * produces Iceberg Records, writes the Records to files,
 * and produces DataFiles for a downstream Iceberg Committer.
public class ProcessingAndWriterStage implements ScalarComputation<MantisServerSentEvent, DataFile> {

  private Transformer transformer;

  public static ScalarToScalar.Config<Record, DataFile> config() {
    return new ScalarToScalar.Config<Record, DataFile>()
        .codec(IcebergCodecs.dataFile())                                        // (3)

  public void init(Context context) {
    transformer = IcebergWriterStage.newTransformer(context);                   // (4)

  public Observable<DataFile> call(Context context, Observable<Record> recordObservable) {
    return recordObservable
        .map(<some application logic>)
        .map(<some more application logic>)
        .compose(transformer);                                                  // (5)

(0) A series of Processing Stages for your application logic and Iceberg writing logic. You may further reduce network cost by combining your Processing Stage(s) logic into your Source.

(1) A Processing Stage for 1 IcebergCommitter.

(2) A module for injecting dependencies and configs required to authenticate/connect/interact with backing Iceberg infrastructure.

(3) Remember to add an Iceberg DataFile Codec to emit DataFiles to the Committer.

(4) Create a new Iceberg Writer Transformer from the static method provided by IcebergWriterStage.

(5) Compose the transformer with your application logic Observable.


Writers are stateless and may be parallelized/autoscaled.


The Committer commits DataFiles to Iceberg. Records are queryable from the Iceberg table only after a Committer commits DataFiles. A Committer commits on a configured interval (default: 5 min).

If a Committer fails, it will retry until a retry threshold is met, after which it will continue onto the next window of Records. This avoids backpressure issues originating from downstream consumers which makes it more suitable for operational use cases.

public class ExampleIcebergSinkJob extends MantisJobProvider<Map<String, Object>> {

  public Job<Map<String, Object>> getJobInstance() {
      return MantisJob.source(<source that produces Iceberg Records>)
          .stage(new IcebergWriterStage(), IcebergWriterStage.config())
          .stage(new IcebergCommitterStage(), IcebergCommitterStage.config())   // (1)
              <job file properties name>,
              new IcebergModule()))

(1) A Processing Stage for 1 IcebergCommitter. The Committer outputs a Map which you can subscribe to with a Sink for optional debugging or connecting to another Mantis Job. Otherwise, a Sink not required because the Committer will write directly to Iceberg.


You should try to have only one Committer per Iceberg Table and try to avoid a high frequency commit intervals (default: 5 min). This avoids commit pressure on Iceberg.

Configuration Options

Name Type Default Description
writerRowGroupSize int 100 Number of rows to chunk before checking for file size
writerFlushFrequencyBytes String "134217728" (128 MiB) Flush frequency by size in Bytes
writerFlushFrequencyMsec String "60000" (1 min) Flush frequency by time in milliseconds
writerFileFormat String parquet File format for writing data files to backing Iceberg store
writerMaximumPoolSize int 5 Maximum number of writers that should exist per worker
commitFrequencyMs String "300000" (5 min) Iceberg Committer frequency by time in milliseconds


Prefix: io.mantisrx.connector.iceberg.sink.writer.metrics.WriterMetrics

Name Type Description
openSuccessCount Counter Number of times a file was successfully opened
openFailureCount Counter Number of times a file failed to open
writeSuccessCount Counter Number of times an Iceberg Record was successfully written to a file
writeFailureCount Counter Number of times an Iceberg Record failed to be written to a file
batchSuccessCount Counter Number of times a file was successfully flushed to produce a DataFile
batchFailureCount Counter Number of times a file failed to flush
batchSize Gauge Number of Iceberg Records per writer flush as described within a DataFile
batchSizeBytes Gauge Cumulative size of Iceberg Records from a writer flush

Prefix: io.mantisrx.connector.iceberg.sink.committer.metrics.CommitterMetrics

Name Type Description
invocationCount Counter Number of times a commit was invoked
commitSuccessCount Counter Number of times a commit was successful
commitFailureCount Counter Number of times a commit failed
commitLatencyMsec Gauge Time it took to perform the most recent commit
commitBatchSize Gauge Cumulative size of DataFiles from a commit