All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AccessToken |
Class that encapsulates the OAuth credentials.
AgentAutoConfiguration |
Configuration for various agent beans.
AgentCleanupProperties |
Properties related to cleaning up jobs associated to AWOL/MIA agents.
AgentClientMetadata |
Metadata for a Genie Agent client.
AgentCommand |
Interface for commands that the agent executes.
AgentConfigRequest |
Configuration options for the Genie agent.
AgentConfigRequest.Builder |
AgentConfigurationProperties |
AgentConfigurationService |
Service that provides agent runtime configuration (i.e.
AgentConfigurationServiceImpl |
This implementation of AgentConfigurationService forwards properties set on the server that match a given
set of regular expressions, plus any additional ones specified in configuration.
AgentConnectionTrackingService |
Tracks active connections and heartbeats coming from agents actively executing a job.
AgentConnectionTrackingServiceImpl |
This service keeps track of agent connections and heartbeats.
AgentConnectionTrackingServiceProperties |
AgentFileProtocolResolver |
Resource resolver for files local to an agent running a job that can be streamed to the server and served via API.
AgentFileProtocolResolverRegistrar |
Registers AgentFileProtocolResolver in the application context.
AgentFileResourceImpl |
Implementation of Resource for files local to an agent running a job that can be
requested and streamed to the server (so they can be served via API).
AgentFileStreamProperties |
AgentFileStreamService |
This service regularly produces a manifest of the executing job folder and pushes it to the server.
AgentFileStreamService |
Service to retrieve files from a remote agent while the latter is executing a job.
AgentFileStreamService.AgentFileResource |
A Resource for files local to a remote agent.
AgentFilterProperties |
AgentFilterService |
Service to block agent/clients that the server wants to refuse service to.
AgentFilterServiceImpl |
AgentHeartBeatService |
Service that maintains an active connection with a Genie server node by sending heart beats.
AgentHostnameProjection |
Projection for job hosts.
AgentInspectorsAutoConfiguration |
AgentJobCleanupTask |
Leader task that cleans up jobs whose agent crashed or disconnected.
AgentJobKillService |
Register an agent to listen for job kill messages from the server
and respond to them.
AgentJobRequest |
The builder and methods available for a request generated by a Genie agent typically from the command arguments.
AgentJobRequest.Builder |
Builder for a V4 Job Request.
AgentJobService |
Agent side job specification service for resolving and retrieving job specifications from the server.
AgentJobService |
A Service to collect the logic for implementing calls from the Agent when a job is launched via the CLI.
AgentJobServiceImpl |
AgentLauncher |
A interface which implementations will launch instances of an agent in some manner in order to run a job.
AgentLaunchersAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration for beans responsible for launching Genie Agent instances.
AgentLauncherSelectionContext |
AgentLauncherSelector |
Interface for any classes which provide a way to select a AgentLauncher from a set of available candidates.
AgentLauncherSelectorManagedScript |
Extension of ResourceSelectorScript that delegates selection of a job's agent launcher when more than one
choice is available.
AgentLauncherSelectorScriptProperties |
Properties for agent launcher selection via script.
AgentLaunchException |
An exception for when the server can't launch an agent for whatever reason.
AgentLogManager |
Utility to locate and relocate agent log file.
AgentLogManagerLog4j2Impl |
Utility class that locates and relocates the agent log file.
AgentMetadata |
Container for Genie agent metadata and runtime information.
AgentMetadataImpl |
Implementation of AgentMetadata.
AgentMetadataInspector |
Component that inspects an Agent client metadata and makes decision on whether it is allowed to proceed.
AgentProperties |
Root properties class for agent.
AgentResourcesAutoConfiguration |
Auto Configuration for Resource classes exposed in the Agent module.
AgentRoutingService |
Service that tracks agent connections on the local Genie node and provides routing information for
agent connected to other nodes.
AgentRoutingServiceCuratorDiscoveryImpl |
AgentRoutingServiceCuratorDiscoveryImpl.Agent |
Payload for typed ServiceDiscovery .
AgentRoutingServiceProperties |
AgentRoutingServiceSingleNodeImpl |
Implementation of AgentRoutingService that assumes a single Genie node and tracks connections in-memory.
AgentRpcEndpointsAutoConfiguration |
Configures various gRPC services and related beans if gRPC functionality is enabled.
AgentRpcInterceptorsAutoConfiguration |
Spring Auto Configuration for default ServerInterceptor implementations for the Genie gRPC services.
AgentRpcServersAutoConfiguration |
Controls whether a gRPC server is configured and started for this Genie node or not.
AgentServicesAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration for services needed in the agent module.
ApiClientMetadata |
Data class to hold information about a Genie client whether it is an API client or an Agent.
ApiJobRequest |
The builder and methods available for a request generated by a REST API request.
ApiJobRequest.Builder |
Builder for a V4 Job Request.
ApisAutoConfiguration |
Configuration for external API tier.
Application |
Application DTO.
Application |
An immutable V4 Application resource.
Application.Builder |
A builder to create applications.
ApplicationClient |
Client library for the Application Service.
ApplicationEntity |
Representation of the state of an Application.
ApplicationEntity_ |
ApplicationMetadata |
Metadata supplied by a user for an Application resource.
ApplicationMetadata.Builder |
A builder to create application user metadata instances.
ApplicationModelAssembler |
Assembles Application resources out of applications.
ApplicationPredicates |
ApplicationRequest |
Fields representing all the values users can set when creating a new Application resource.
ApplicationRequest.Builder |
Builder for a V4 Application Request.
ApplicationRestController |
REST end-point for supporting Applications.
ApplicationService |
An interface that provides all methods needed for the Genie application client implementation.
ApplicationStatus |
The available statuses for applications.
ApplicationStatus |
The available statuses for applications.
ArchivedJobMetadata |
A simple POJO for a compound value of related information to a job archived location and files.
ArchivedJobService |
A Service interface for working with the metadata and data of a job that was archived by the Agent upon completion.
ArchivedJobServiceImpl |
ArchiveJobOutputsStage |
Archive job output files and logs, if the job reached a state where it is appropriate to do so.
ArchiveStatus |
Possible archival statuses for a Job.
ArchiveStatusCleanupProperties |
Properties related to cleaning up jobs archive status.
ArchiveStatusCleanupTask |
Leader task that find jobs whose archival status was left in 'PENDING' state.
ArgumentDelegates |
Interfaces for command-line delegates (groups of options shared by multiple commands).
ArgumentDelegates.CacheArguments |
Delegate for agent dependencies cache.
ArgumentDelegates.CleanupArguments |
Delegate for job folder cleanup options.
ArgumentDelegates.JobRequestArguments |
Delegate for agent job request parameters.
ArgumentDelegates.RuntimeConfigurationArguments |
Delegate for agent runtime options.
ArgumentDelegates.ServerArguments |
Delegate for server connection options.
AspectsAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration for aspects that should be applied to a running Genie server instance.
AttachmentService |
APIs for saving a job attachments sent in with Genie requests.
AttachmentServiceProperties |
AttachmentTooLargeException |
Exception thrown when the user tries to submit a job whose attachments exceed the limits.
AuditEntity |
Abstract class to support basic columns for all entities for genie.
AuditEntity_ |
AuditProjection |
Returns all the base entity attributes.
AwsAutoConfiguration |
Spring Boot auto configuration for AWS related beans for the Genie Agent.
AWSAutoConfiguration |
AWS beans.
AwsCredentialsProperties |
Properties related to AWS credentials for Genie on top of what Spring Cloud AWS provides.
AwsCredentialsProperties.SpringCloudAwsRegionProperties |
Property bindings for Spring Cloud AWS region specific properties.
BaseDTO |
Base fields for multiple DTOs.
BaseDTO.Builder<T extends BaseDTO.Builder> |
Builder pattern to save constructor arguments.
BaseEntity |
The base for all Genie top level entities.
BaseEntity_ |
BaseProjection |
Projection for the common fields.
BaseSearchResult |
Base class for search results containing common fields.
BlacklistedVersionAgentMetadataInspector |
An AgentMetadataInspector that rejects agent whose version matches a regular expression
(obtained via properties) and accepts everything else.
BraveTagAdapter |
Extension of TagAdapter that specifies that tags should be key value pairs of Strings as they are in
Brave instrumentation.
BraveTracePropagator |
BraveTracingCleanup |
Any cleanup needed at program shutdown for Brave instrumentation.
BraveTracingComponents |
Container DTO class for Brave based components for tracing in
Genie server and agent.
BucketProperties |
A property class which holds information about how to interact with a specific S3 Bucket.
CachingAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration to enable Spring Boot Caching annotation support.
ChangeJobArchiveStatusException |
Failure to update the job archive status remotely.
ChangeJobStatusException |
Failure to update the job status remotely.
ClaimJobStage |
Claim the job, so no other agent can execute it.
CleanupJobDirectoryStage |
Performs cleanup of the job directory after execution.
CleanupStrategy |
Enum to describe the different kind of post-execution cleanup of the job directory.
CliAutoConfiguration |
Spring auto configuration class to contain all beans involved in the CLI for the Agent.
ClientMetadata |
Common base for API and Agent client metadata.
CloseableLock |
A simple interface representing a closeable lock.
Cluster |
Cluster DTO object.
Cluster |
An immutable V4 Cluster resource.
Cluster.Builder |
A builder to create clusters.
ClusterClient |
Client library for the Cluster Service.
ClusterCriteria |
Cluster Criteria.
ClusterEntity |
Representation of the state of the Cluster object.
ClusterEntity_ |
ClusterLeaderService |
Service interface for the abstracts the details of leadership within nodes in a Genie cluster.
ClusterLeaderServiceCuratorImpl |
Implementation of ClusterLeaderService using Spring's LeaderInitiator (Zookeeper/Curator based
leader election mechanism).
ClusterLeaderServiceLocalLeaderImpl |
ClusterMetadata |
Metadata supplied by a user for a Cluster resource.
ClusterMetadata.Builder |
A builder to create cluster user metadata instances.
ClusterModelAssembler |
Assembles Cluster resources out of clusters.
ClusterPredicates |
ClusterRequest |
Fields representing all the values users can set when creating a new Cluster resource.
ClusterRequest.Builder |
Builder for a V4 Cluster Request.
ClusterRestController |
REST end-point for supporting clusters.
ClusterSelectionContext |
ClusterSelector |
Interface for any classes which provide a way to select a Cluster from a set of clusters
which matched criterion provided by a user in a JobRequest and combined with the criteria for the command
selected for a given job.
ClusterSelectorManagedScript |
Extension of ResourceSelectorScript that delegates selection of a job's cluster when more than one choice is
ClusterSelectorScriptProperties |
Properties for cluster selection via script.
ClusterService |
An interface that provides all methods needed for the Genie cluster client implementation.
ClusterStatus |
The possible statuses for a cluster.
ClusterStatus |
The possible statuses for a cluster.
Command |
A command data transfer object.
Command |
An immutable V4 Command resource.
Command.Builder |
A builder to create commands.
CommandClient |
Client library for the Command Service.
CommandEntity |
Representation of the state of the Command Object.
CommandEntity_ |
CommandMetadata |
Metadata supplied by a user for a Command resource.
CommandMetadata.Builder |
A builder to create command user metadata instances.
CommandModelAssembler |
Assembles Command resources out of commands.
CommandPredicates |
CommandRequest |
Fields representing all the values users can set when creating a new Command resource.
CommandRequest.Builder |
Builder for a V4 Command Request.
CommandRestController |
REST end-point for supporting commands.
CommandSelectionContext |
CommandSelector |
Interface for any classes which provide a way to select a Command from a set of commands
which matched criterion provided by a user in a JobRequest .
CommandSelectorManagedScript |
An extension of ResourceSelectorScript which from a set of commands and the original job request will
attempt to determine the best command to use for execution.
CommandSelectorManagedScriptProperties |
CommandService |
An interface that provides all methods needed for the Genie command client implementation.
CommandStatus |
The available statuses for Commands.
CommandStatus |
The available statuses for Commands.
CommonDTO |
Common fields for multiple DTOs.
CommonDTO.Builder<T extends CommonDTO.Builder> |
Builder pattern to save constructor arguments.
CommonMetadata |
Metadata fields common to all Genie resources (Jobs, clusters, etc).
CommonMetadata.Builder<T extends CommonMetadata.Builder> |
Builder for common fields.
CommonRequest |
Common fields for Resource requests (clusters, commands, jobs, etc).
CommonResource |
Fields common to every Genie v4 resource (cluster, command, etc).
CommonServicesAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration of any services that are common to both the agent and the server.
CommonTracingAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration for common tracing components within Genie server and agent.
ConfigureAgentStage |
Configures the agent with server-provided runtime parameters that are independent of the job.
ConfigureException |
Failure to obtain configuration properties from server.
ConfigureExecutionStage |
Sets up context state based on the type of execution and other command-line parameters.
ConsoleLog |
Utilities for interacting with the user terminal/console.
ConsoleLogListener |
Job execution listener that prints messages visible to the user in the console.
ControllerUtils |
Utility methods re-used in various controllers.
CreateJobDirectoryStage |
Creates the job directory.
CreateJobScriptStage |
Creates the job script (a.k.a.
Criterion |
Representation of various criterion options available.
Criterion.Builder |
Builder for creating a Criterion instance.
CriterionEntity |
Entity for criteria records.
CriterionEntity_ |
DataAutoConfiguration |
Default auto configuration of data related services and beans for Genie.
DatabaseCleanupProperties |
Properties controlling the behavior of the database cleanup leadership task.
DatabaseCleanupProperties.ApplicationDatabaseCleanupProperties |
Properties related to cleaning up application records from the database.
DatabaseCleanupProperties.ClusterDatabaseCleanupProperties |
Properties related to cleaning up cluster records from the database.
DatabaseCleanupProperties.CommandDatabaseCleanupProperties |
Properties related to cleaning up command records from the database.
DatabaseCleanupProperties.CommandDeactivationDatabaseCleanupProperties |
Properties related to setting Commands to INACTIVE status in the database.
DatabaseCleanupProperties.FileDatabaseCleanupProperties |
Properties related to cleaning up file records from the database.
DatabaseCleanupProperties.JobDatabaseCleanupProperties |
Properties related to cleaning up job records from the database.
DatabaseCleanupProperties.TagDatabaseCleanupProperties |
Properties related to cleaning up tag records from the database.
DatabaseCleanupTask |
A LeaderTask which will clean up the database of old records if desired.
DataServiceRetryAspect |
Aspect implementation of retrying the data service methods on certain failures.
DataServiceRetryProperties |
All properties related to data service retry template in Genie.
DataServices |
Container class for encapsulating all the various data related services in Genie to ease dependency patterns.
DefaultBraveTagAdapterImpl |
Default implementation of BraveTagAdapter which is just a proxy for the actual call.
DefaultDirectoryWriter |
A default directory writer implementation.
DefaultDirectoryWriter.Directory |
DTO for representing a directory contents.
DefaultDirectoryWriter.Entry |
DTO for representing information about an entry within a job directory.
DetermineJobFinalStatusStage |
Sends the server the final job status, if the job reached a state where it is appropriate to do so.
DirectoryManifest |
A manifest of all the files and subdirectories in a directory.
DirectoryManifest.Factory |
Factory that encapsulates directory manifest creation.
DirectoryManifest.Filter |
This interface defines a filter function used during creation of the manifest.
DirectoryManifest.ManifestEntry |
Representation of the metadata for a job file on a given underlying storage system.
DirectoryWriter |
Interface for methods to convert a directory to various String representations.
DiskCleanupProperties |
Properties controlling the behavior of the database cleanup leadership task.
DiskCleanupTask |
This task runs on every Genie node and is responsible for cleaning up the local disk so that space can be
DownloadDependenciesStage |
Download dependencies such as binaries and configurations attached to the job and its dependent entities.
DownloadException |
Exception thrown by services that fail to download dependencies for a job.
DownloadService |
Service to download a set of files to local disk.
DownloadService.Manifest |
Manifest containing source (URIs) and their expected destination on disk after download.
DownloadService.Manifest.Builder |
Builder for Manifest.
DtoConverters |
Utility class to help converting between V3 and V4 DTOs during migration period.
EntityModelAssemblers |
A simple container DTO for passing all known resource assemblers around.
EntityV3DtoConverters |
Converters between entities and V3 DTOs.
EntityV4DtoConverters |
Utility methods for converting from V4 DTO to entities and vice versa.
EnvVarBraveTracePropagatorImpl |
EventsAutoConfiguration |
Configuration related to Eventing within the Genie application.
ExecutionAutoConfiguration |
Spring auto configuration for beans required for job execution.
ExecutionEnvironment |
Elements that should be brought into an execution environment for a given resource (job, cluster, etc).
ExecutionEnvironmentDTO |
Base class DTO for DTOs which require a setup file.
ExecutionEnvironmentDTO.Builder<T extends ExecutionEnvironmentDTO.Builder> |
A builder for helping to create instances.
ExecutionResourceCriteria |
Container for various options for user supplying criteria for the execution environment of a job.
ExecutionResourceProjection |
ExecutionStage |
Abstract base class for Genie Agent stage of execution.
ExecutorFactory |
A factory for Executor instances.
ExitCode |
Exit codes for Genie agent.
ExponentialBackOffTrigger |
Trigger implementation whose scheduling delay grows exponentially based on a given factor.
ExponentialBackOffTrigger.DelayType |
How the delay is calculated.
ExponentialBackOffTriggerProperties |
FatalJobExecutionException |
Fatal exception that should stop execution early.
FetchingCacheService |
Interface for a cache that downloads resources via URL and stores them on local disk for later reuse.
FileEntity |
File Entity.
FileEntity_ |
FileLock |
CloseableLock for a file.
FileLockFactory |
FileStreamServiceProperties |
FileSystemJobArchiverImpl |
An implementation of JobArchiver which attempts to copy the job directory somewhere else on the file
system for backup.
FinishedJob |
DTO for a job that reached a final state.
FinishedJob.Builder |
FinishedJobProjection |
Projection for a job entity that reached a terminal status.
GenieAgentApplication |
Genie Agent application.
GenieAgentHealthIndicator |
Provides a health indicator relative to the behavior of Genie Agents and this Server.
GenieAgentRejectedException |
An exception to represent the case where an Agent was rejected by the server.
GenieAgentRunner |
Main entry point for execution after the application is initialized.
GenieApp |
Main Genie Spring Configuration class.
GenieApplicationNotFoundException |
An exception to represent the case where an application was expected to exist (e.g.
GenieBadRequestException |
Extension of a GenieException for all bad request failures.
GenieCheckedException |
Base class for Genie checked exceptions.
GenieClientException |
An exception class that represents all failures received by the client.
GenieClientTooManyRequestsException |
An exception class that represents 429 - Too Many Requests received from the server.
GenieClusterNotFoundException |
An exception to represent the case where a cluster was expected to exist (e.g.
GenieCommandNotFoundException |
An exception to represent the case where a command was expected to exist (e.g.
GenieConversionException |
Failure to convert objects into wire format or vice versa.
GenieCpuHealthIndicator |
Health indicator for system cpu usage.
GenieDefaultPropertiesPostProcessor |
Adds default properties to the Spring environment before application refresh.
GenieDefaultPropertiesPostProcessor |
Adds default properties to the Spring environment before application refresh.
GenieEventBus |
Genie Event Bus interface.
GenieEventBusImpl |
An event bus implementation for the Genie application to use.
GenieException |
The common exception class that represents a service failure.
GenieExceptionMapper |
Exception mapper for Genie Exceptions.
GenieHostInfo |
Container for information about the host a Genie process (web server or agent) is running on.
GenieIdAlreadyExistsException |
Exception thrown when an id is attempting to be saved that already exists in the system.
GenieInvalidStatusException |
Exception thrown when a status supplied by a client for as their known previous status doesn't match what the system
has in the database.
GenieJobAlreadyClaimedException |
Exception thrown when a job is already claimed in the system and another agent tries to claim it.
GenieJobNotFoundException |
An exception to represent the case where a job was expected to exist (e.g.
GenieJobResolutionException |
When a request for resolving a job can't be completed for some reason.
GenieJobResolutionRuntimeException |
When resolution fails with a runtime error, such as the selector timing out.
GenieJobSpecificationNotFoundException |
An exception to represent the case where a job specification was expected to exist but it doesn't.
GenieNetworkConfiguration |
An object that encapsulates network configurations for Genie client HTTP requests.
GenieNotFoundException |
Extension of a GenieException for all not found exceptions.
GenieObjectMapper |
A singleton for sharing a Jackson Object Mapper instance across Genie and not having to redefine the Object Mapper
GeniePreconditionException |
Extension of a GenieException for all precondition failures.
GenieRuntimeException |
Base class for Genie runtime exceptions.
GenieServerException |
Extension of a GenieException for all internal server failures.
GenieServerUnavailableException |
Extension of a GenieException for all server unavailable failures.
GenieTask |
Interface for any task that should run in the Genie system.
GenieTaskScheduleType |
The enumeration values which a GenieTask can be be scheduled with.
GenieTestApp |
Reusable Spring Boot test application.
GenieTimeoutException |
Extension of a GenieException for timeouts.
GenieUserLimitExceededException |
Extension of a GenieException for a user exceeding some limit (e.g., submitting too many jobs).
GenieWebHostInfo |
Extension of GenieHostInfo which adds metadata specific to the web server.
GenieWebRpcInfo |
Container class for RPC related properties.
GetJobStatusException |
Failure to retrieve job status from the server.
GroovyScriptUtils |
Utility functions that can be used within Groovy scripts executed from Genie.
GRpcAgentFileStreamServiceImpl |
GRpcAgentFileStreamServiceImpl |
GRpcAgentJobKillServiceImpl |
Implementation of the AgentJobKillService , listens for kill coming from server using long-polling.
GRpcAutoConfiguration |
Spring auto configuration for gRPC components.
GRpcHeartBeatServiceImpl |
An edge gRPC service that uses bi-directional streaming.
GRpcJobKillServiceImpl |
Implementation of JobKillService which uses parked gRPC requests to tell the agent to
shutdown via a user kill request if the job is in an active state.
GRpcJobServiceImpl |
Extension of JobServiceGrpc.JobServiceImplBase to provide
functionality for resolving and fetching specifications for jobs to be run by the Genie Agent.
GRpcPingServiceImpl |
Implementation of the Ping service definition.
GRpcServerManager |
A wrapper around a Server instance which implements AutoCloseable to control startup and shutdown
along with the application.
GRpcServerProperties |
Properties related to Genie's gRPC server functionality.
GRpcServerUtils |
Utilities for working with a gRPC Server instance.
GRpcServicesAutoConfiguration |
Spring auto configuration for the various gRPC services required for an agent to communicate with the Genie server.
H2Utils |
Utilities for working with H2 database.
HandshakeException |
Failure to handshake with server.
HandshakeStage |
Perform server handshake, to ensure server is ok with this agent running a job.
HateoasAutoConfiguration |
Spring auto configuration for HATEOAS module beans.
HealthAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration for Health indicators related to Genie.
HealthCheckMetricsAspect |
Aspect around Spring Boot 'HealthIndicator' to publish metrics for status of individual indicator, as well as their
turnaround time.
HealthProperties |
All properties related to health thresholds in Genie.
HeartBeatProperties |
Properties related to Heart Beat gRPC Service.
HeartBeatServiceProperties |
HostnameUtil |
Static utility class to determine the local hostname.
HttpProperties |
Properties related to HTTP client configuration.
HttpProperties.Connect |
Connection related properties for HTTP requests.
HttpProperties.Read |
Read related properties for HTTP requests.
IdAlreadyExistsException |
Exception thrown when an resource is attempting to be saved with a unique ID that already exists in the system.
IdEntity |
Base class which only provides an ID.
IdEntity_ |
IdProjection |
A projection just for returning the id field of a given entity.
InitializeAgentStage |
Performs generic initialization.
InspectionReport |
InspectionReport.Decision |
The possible outcomes of an inspection.
IntegrationTestingConfiguration |
Configuration overrides for integration tests.
IntrospectionAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration for shared DTO instances within the web server.
InvalidStateException |
Unchecked exception thrown in case a state action is executed with an unexpected state.
JCommanderAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration for configuring JCommander to parse CLI arguments of the Agent.
Job |
Read only data transfer object representing a Job in the Genie system.
Job.Builder |
A builder to create jobs.
JobApiProjection |
A projection which allows the system to pull back whether the job was submitted via the REST API or other mechanism.
JobApplicationsProjection |
Projection to return just the applications associated with a given job.
JobArchiveException |
Exception thrown in case there is a problem with archiving files.
JobArchiveLocationProjection |
A projection which only returns the archive location for a job.
JobArchiver |
Implementations of this interface should be able to a write job files to a WritableResource root location.
JobArchiveService |
A service which is responsible for taking the files related to running a Genie job and backing them up to a different
JobArchiveServiceImpl |
JobClient |
Client library for the Job Service.
JobClusterProjection |
Projection to return just the cluster for a given job.
JobCommandProjection |
Projection to return just the command for a given job.
JobCommonFieldsProjection |
Projection for common fields between pre 3.3.0 JobRequest and Job entities.
JobConstants |
A class holding some constants to be used everywhere.
JobDirectoryManifestCreatorService |
JobDirectoryManifestCreatorServiceImpl |
Implementation of JobDirectoryManifestCreatorService that caches manifests produced by the factory for a few
seconds, thus avoiding re-calculating the same for subsequent requests (e.g.
JobDirectoryManifestNotFoundException |
An exception thrown when a job was archived but the manifest of the archive can't be found in the archive location.
JobDirectoryManifestProtoConverter |
Converts DirectoryManifest from/to AgentManifestMessage in order to transport manifests
over gRPC.
JobDirectoryServerService |
This service abstracts away the details of responding to API requests for the files and directories created during
the execution of a job in the Genie ecosystem.
JobDirectoryServerServiceImpl |
JobEntity |
A row in the jobs table.
JobEntity_ |
JobEntityListener |
JobEnvironment |
Final values for settings of the Genie job execution environment.
JobEnvironment.Builder |
JobEnvironmentRequest |
Fields that allow manipulation of the Genie job execution container environment.
JobEnvironmentRequest.Builder |
JobExecution |
All information needed to show state of a running job.
JobExecution.Builder |
A builder to create job requests.
JobExecutionListener |
Listener of job execution.
JobExecutionModelAssembler |
Assembles Job Request resources out of JobRequest DTOs.
JobExecutionProjection |
Projection with the data present in a Genie JobExecutionEntity from pre-3.3.0.
JobExecutionStateMachine |
Interface JobExecutionStateMachine hides the actual state machine details.
JobExecutionStateMachineImpl |
Implementation of the job execution state machine.
JobFileState |
Representation of the metadata for a job file on a given underlying storage system.
JobFinishedSNSPublisher |
Publishes Amazon SNS notifications with detailed information about each completed job.
JobIdUnavailableException |
Exception thrown by AgentJobService when trying to reserve an ID that has already been used.
JobInfoAggregate |
An object to return aggregate data selected with regards to memory usage on a given Genie host.
JobKillService |
Interface for services to kill jobs.
JobKillServiceProperties |
JobLaunchException |
Exception during job launch.
JobLaunchService |
Top level coordination service responsible for taking a job request and running the job if possible.
JobLaunchServiceImpl |
JobMetadata |
Additional metadata associated with a Job Request such as client host, user agent, etc.
JobMetadata |
Metadata supplied by a user for a job.
JobMetadata.Builder |
Builder for creating a JobMetadata instance.
JobMetadata.Builder |
A builder to create job user metadata instances.
JobMetadataModelAssembler |
Assembles Job Request resources out of JobRequest DTOs.
JobMetadataProjection |
Projection of the jobs table which produces only the fields that were present in the pre-3.3.0
JobMetadata table before it was merged into one large jobs table.
JobModelAssembler |
Assembles Job resources out of job DTOs.
JobMonitorService |
Service that monitors the job directory and may decide to kill the job if some limit is exceeded.
JobMonitorServiceProperties |
JobNotArchivedException |
An exception thrown when a job is completed but wasn't archived and thus output isn't available.
JobNotFoundException |
An exception thrown when a job is not found in the system.
JobNotificationMetricPublisher |
Listens to job status changes and publishes metrics.
JobPredicates |
JobProcessManager |
Singleton to manage the subprocess for the actual user job this Agent instance is managing.
JobProcessManagerImpl |
Configures and launches a job sub-process using metadata passed through ExecutionContext.
JobProcessResult |
A DTO POJO to capture final information about the job process this agent process was responsible for.
JobProcessResult.Builder |
JobProjection |
Projection for the fields originally available in pre-3.3.0 JobEntity classes.
JobRequest |
All information needed to make a request to run a new job.
JobRequest |
All details a user will provide to Genie in order to run a job.
JobRequest.Builder |
A builder to create job requests.
JobRequestConverter |
JobRequestConverter.ConversionException |
Exception thrown in case of conversion error due to resulting object failing validation.
JobRequestMetadata |
Metadata gathered by the system as part of any JobRequest .
JobRequestModelAssembler |
Assembles Job Request resources out of JobRequest DTOs.
JobRequestProjection |
Projection to reproduce the JobRequest entity fields which were was a table present before 3.3.0.
JobReservationException |
Failure to reserve a job id for reasons other than the specified job id being already used.
JobResolverService |
Service API for taking inputs from a user and resolving them to concrete information that the Genie system will use
to execute the users job.
JobResolverServiceImpl |
JobRestController |
REST end-point for supporting jobs.
JobsActiveLimitProperties |
Properties related to number of active jobs per user.
JobSearchProjection |
Projection to return only the fields desired for a job with search results.
JobSearchResult |
This class represents the subset of data returned from a Job when a search for Jobs is conducted.
JobSearchResultModelAssembler |
Assembles Job resources out of job search result DTOs.
JobService |
An interface that provides all methods needed for the Genie job client implementation.
JobServiceProtoConverter |
Converter of proto messages for the JobServiceGrpc.JobServiceImplBase service to
and from V4 DTO POJO's.
JobServiceProtoErrorComposer |
Utility/helper to map exceptions into protocol responses.
JobSetupService |
Service that sets up a directory for a job to execute in.
JobSetupServiceProperties |
JobsForwardingProperties |
Properties related to job forwarding.
JobsLocationsProperties |
Properties for various job related locations.
JobsMemoryProperties |
Properties pertaining to how much memory jobs can use on Genie.
JobSpecification |
This DTO represents all the information needed to execute a job by the Genie Agent.
JobSpecification.ExecutionResource |
Common representation of resources used for job execution e.g.
JobSpecificationProjection |
Projection of the database fields which make up the required elements of a job specification.
JobSpecificationResolutionException |
Exception thrown by AgentJobService.
JobsProperties |
All properties related to jobs in Genie.
JobStateChangeEvent |
Event representing a job status change.
JobStateChangeSNSPublisher |
Publishes Amazon SNS notifications for fine-grained job state changes.
JobStatus |
Possible statuses for a Job.
JobStatus |
Possible statuses for a Job.
JobStatusMessages |
Constant strings for status message attached to a job after it terminates.
JobSubmission |
The payload of all gathered information from a user request to run a job via the API.
JobSubmission.Builder |
JobsUsersProperties |
Properties related to users running jobs.
JpaApplicationRepository |
Application repository.
JpaBaseRepository<E extends BaseEntity> |
A common repository for inheritance of common methods for Entities extending BaseEntity.
JpaClusterRepository |
Cluster repository.
JpaCommandRepository |
Command repository.
JpaCriterionRepository |
JpaFileRepository |
Repository for file references.
JpaJobRepository |
Job repository.
JpaPersistenceServiceImpl |
JpaRepositories |
Container class for encapsulating all the various JPA Repositories in Genie to ease dependency patterns.
JpaTagRepository |
Repository for tags.
JsonAttributeConverter |
An AttributeConverter to convert JsonNode objects into their String representations for storage
and vice versa.
JsonUtils |
Utility methods for interacting with JSON.
JsonUtils.InstantMillisecondSerializer |
Truncate instants to millisecond precision during ISO 8601 serialization to string for backwards compatibility.
JsonUtils.OptionalInstantMillisecondSerializer |
Truncate instants to millisecond precision during ISO 8601 serialization to string for backwards compatibility.
KillService |
Service responsible for killing the job.
KillService.KillSource |
Enumeration for the source of a request to kill the job.
LaunchJobStage |
Launches the job process.
LeaderAutoConfiguration |
Beans for Leadership of a Genie cluster.
LeaderElectionActuator |
An actuator endpoint that exposes leadership status and allows stop/start/restart of the leader election service.
LeaderElectionActuator.Action |
Operations that this actuator can perform on the leader service.
LeadershipProperties |
Properties related to static leadership election configurations.
LeaderTask |
Interface for any task that a node elected as the leader of a Genie cluster should run.
LeaderTasksCoordinator |
Class which handles coordinating leadership related tasks.
LocalAgentLauncherImpl |
Implementation of AgentLauncher which launched Agent instances on the local Genie hardware.
LocalAgentLauncherProperties |
Properties related to launching Agent processes locally.
LocalFileSystemAttachmentServiceImpl |
LocalLeader |
A class to control leadership activities when remote leadership isn't enabled and this node has been forcibly
elected as the leader.
LockException |
Exception thrown when there is a problem with locks.
LogExecutionErrorsStage |
Logs execution errors encountered so far.
LoggingListener |
Listener that logs state machine events and transitions.
ManagedScript |
Abstract script class for components that rely on an external script to be loaded and invoked at runtime.
ManagedScriptBaseProperties |
Base abstract properties for individual script classes to extend.
MetricsConstants |
Used to store constants related to metric names.
MetricsConstants.TagKeys |
Inner class for constants used as key to tag metrics.
MetricsConstants.TagValues |
Constants used as metrics tags values by various classes.
MetricsUtils |
Utility methods for metrics.
MinimumVersionAgentMetadataInspector |
NodeAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration for tasks that run on every Genie server node.
NotFoundException |
An exception thrown when a resource is not found in the system.
NotificationsAutoConfiguration |
Beans related to external notifications.
OAuth2SecurityInterceptor |
An interceptor that adds security headers to all outgoing requests.
ObtainJobSpecificationStage |
Obtains job specification from server.
PathUtils |
Utilities to compose filesystem paths.
PersistedJobStatusObserver |
Interface for an observer that gets notified of job 'status' change after the latter is persisted.
PersistedJobStatusObserverImpl |
Observer of persisted entities modifications that publishes events on the event bus to be consumed asynchronously by
interested consumers.
PersistenceService |
Service API for all Genie persistence related operations.
PreconditionFailedException |
Exception thrown when a precondition is not met on method invocation.
PredicateUtils |
Utility methods for the JPA Predicate generation.
ProcessAutoConfiguration |
PropertiesMapCache |
Utility class that produces a map of properties and their values if they match a given prefix.
PropertiesMapCache.Factory |
PropertyConvertersAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration for registering ConfigurationPropertiesBinding
PropertySourceUtils |
Utilities for working with Spring PropertySource .
ProtoConvertersAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration of components common to both the agent and the server.
RandomAgentLauncherSelectorImpl |
RandomClusterSelectorImpl |
RandomCommandSelectorImpl |
RandomSuppliers |
Supply random types.
RefreshManifestStage |
Triggers a manual refresh of the cached files manifest.
RegexDirectoryManifestFilter |
Implementation of DirectoryManifestFilter that filters manifest entries base on a list of regular expressions
provided via properties class.
RegexDirectoryManifestProperties |
RegexRuleSet |
Utility class to match a string against an ordered set of regexes and obtain an accept/reject response.
RegexRuleSet.Builder |
Ruleset builder.
RegexRuleSet.Response |
The two responses to an input.
RegexRuleSet.Rule |
An individual rule in a ruleset.
RejectAllJobsAgentMetadataInspector |
RelocateLogFileStage |
Moves the agent log file into the job directory from the temporary location.
RequestForwardingService |
A service whose implementation should be responsible for forwarding requests between Genie server nodes.
RequestForwardingServiceImpl |
ReserveJobIdStage |
Performs job reservation, or ensures the job is pre-reserved and ready to be claimed.
ResolvedJob |
The payload of information representing all the concrete details the system needs to run a job.
ResolvedResources<R> |
Representing the result of resolving resources of type R from a Criterion .
ResourceSelectionContext<R> |
Context object for encapsulating state into the selectors.
ResourceSelectionException |
An exception thrown when a resource selector encounters an unrecoverable error while trying to select a resource
from a collection of possible resources.
ResourceSelectionResult<R> |
A data class for returning the results of an attempted resource selection.
ResourceSelectionResult.Builder<R> |
ResourceSelector<R,C extends ResourceSelectionContext<R>> |
Generic interface for a selector which selects a resource from a set of resources for a given job request.
ResourceSelectorScript<R,C extends ResourceSelectionContext<R>> |
Interface for defining the contract between the selection of a resource from a set of resources for a given
job request.
ResourceSelectorScriptResult<R> |
Class to represent a generic response from a script which selects a resource from a set of resources.
ResourceSelectorScriptResult.Builder<R> |
A builder for these the results to prevent scripts from having to redo everything based on constructors if
we change parameters.
ResponseMappingInterceptor |
Class that evaluates the retrofit response code and maps it to an appropriate Genie Exception.
RetryableJobExecutionException |
Exception thrown by state machine transition for retryable errors (e.g, network error talking to server).
RetryAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration which enables Retryable for method calls on beans.
RetryProperties |
All properties related to Http retry template in Genie.
RetryProperties.ServiceSpecificProperties |
Retry properties specific to a particular service.
RootModelAssembler |
Assembles root resource from a JsonNode.
RootRestController |
Rest controller for the V3 API root.
S3AttachmentServiceImpl |
Implementation of the AttachmentService interface which saves attachments to AWS S3.
S3ClientFactory |
An AmazonS3 client factory class.
S3JobArchiverImpl |
S3ProtocolResolver |
This class implements the ProtocolResolver interface.
S3ProtocolResolverRegistrar |
A class which takes an instance of S3ProtocolResolver and adds it to the Spring ApplicationContext
set of ProtocolResolver .
SaveAttachmentException |
Exception thrown when the system tries to save a user attachment to an underlying data store and it fails for
some reason.
ScriptAgentLauncherSelectorImpl |
An implementation of the AgentLauncherSelector interface which uses user-provided script to make decisions
based on the list of agent launchers and the job request supplied.
ScriptClusterSelectorImpl |
An implementation of the ClusterSelector interface which uses user-provided script to make decisions
based on the list of clusters and the job request supplied.
ScriptCommandSelectorImpl |
Implementation of CommandSelector which defers the decision to a script provided by the system
ScriptExecutionException |
An exception thrown when a script bean encounters an error during execution.
ScriptLoadingException |
An exception thrown when a script cannot be retrieved or compiled.
ScriptManager |
Utility to load, reload and execute scripts (in whichever format/language supported by ScriptEngine ) via URI
(e.g., local file, classpath, URL).
ScriptManagerProperties |
ScriptNotConfiguredException |
An exception thrown when a script bean is not configured an thus it cannot be loaded or executed.
ScriptsAutoConfiguration |
Configuration for script extensions.
SecurityInterceptor |
An interface whose implementation is supposed to modify the HTTP Request by adding Security credentials.
SelectorsAutoConfiguration |
Spring Auto Configuration for the selectors module.
ServicesAutoConfiguration |
Spring auto configuration for the service tier of an Agent process.
ServicesAutoConfiguration |
Configuration for all the services.
SetJobStatusFinal |
Sets the final job status (success/fail/kill).
SetJobStatusInit |
Updates job status when job starts initializing.
SetJobStatusRunning |
Updates the server job status after launch.
SetupFileProjection |
Projection for returning the setup file of a given entity.
SetUpJobException |
Exception during the set up of a job.
ShutdownProperties |
Properties to configure the Agent shutdown process.
ShutdownStage |
Performs final shutdown.
SimpleLoggingInterceptor |
Proof of concept server interceptor that logs gRPC requests and errors.
SimpleStorageRangeResource |
This class extends SimpleStorageResource in order to efficiently handle range requests.
SNSNotificationsProperties |
Properties to configure notification delivered via SNS.
SortAttribute |
Sort key for entity search results.
SortDirection |
Sort direction of entity search results.
StartFileServiceStage |
Starts the file streaming service.
StartHeartbeatServiceStage |
Starts the heartbeat service.
StartKillServiceStage |
Starts the kill service.
States |
Execution state machine states.
StatusProjection |
Projection for returning only the status of a given resource.
StopFileServiceStage |
Stops the file streaming service.
StopHeartbeatServiceStage |
Stops the heartbeat service.
StopKillServiceStage |
Stops the job kill service.
StreamBuffer |
A temporary in-memory structure to hold in-transit data.
SwaggerAutoConfiguration |
Spring configuration for Swagger via Spring Doc.
SystemArchitecture |
Application pointcut expressions.
TagAdapter<U,K,V> |
An interface for implementations to adapt any tags published by default OSS components for internal conventions.
TagEntity |
Entity representing a Tag.
TagEntity_ |
TasksAutoConfiguration |
Configuration of beans for asynchronous tasks within Genie.
TasksCleanup |
Performs any cleanup when the system is shutting down.
TasksExecutorPoolProperties |
Properties related to the thread pool for the task executor within Genie.
TasksSchedulerPoolProperties |
Properties related to the thread pool for the task executor within Genie.
TaskUtils |
Utility methods used by various Genie tasks.
TimeUtils |
Utility methods for dealing with time.
TitusAgentLauncherImpl |
Agent launcher that spawns a job in a dedicated container through Titus.
TitusAgentLauncherImpl.TitusAPIRetryPolicy |
A retry policy that has different behavior based on the type of exception thrown by the rest client during
calls to the Titus API.
TitusAgentLauncherImpl.TitusJobRequestAdapter |
An interface that should be implemented by any class which wants to modify the Titus job request before it is
TitusAgentLauncherProperties |
TitusBatchJobRequest |
Titus job request POJO.
TitusBatchJobRequest.Batch |
Titus batch job parameters.
TitusBatchJobRequest.Container |
Titus job container DTO.
TitusBatchJobRequest.DisruptionBudget |
Titus job disruption budget.
TitusBatchJobRequest.Image |
Titus job container image.
TitusBatchJobRequest.Immediate |
Titus job retry policy detail.
TitusBatchJobRequest.JobGroupInfo |
Job Group information.
TitusBatchJobRequest.Owner |
Titus job owner POJO.
TitusBatchJobRequest.Resources |
Titus job container resources POJO.
TitusBatchJobRequest.RetryPolicy |
Titus job retry policy.
TitusBatchJobRequest.SecurityProfile |
Titus job security profile.
TitusBatchJobRequest.SelfManaged |
Titus job disruption budget detail.
TitusBatchJobResponse |
Titus job response POJO.
TokenFetcher |
Class that contains the logic to get OAuth credentials from IDP.
TokenService |
A interface to fetch access tokens.
TracePropagator<C> |
This interface exists to provide a shared contract for how trace information is shared between the Genie
server job request handling and the agent process launch.
TracingConstants |
Constants used for adding metadata to tracing spans.
TracingListener |
A listener which adds data to spans based on the events emitted by the state machine.
UIController |
Controller for forwarding UI requests.
UniqueIdEntity |
An extendable entity class for tables which have a UniqueId field.
UniqueIdEntity_ |
UniqueIdProjection |
Projection for getting the Unique Id of a resource.
UNIXUtils |
Utility class for UNIX user and file permissions.
URIPropertyConverter |
A converter between a String and a URI to enforce well formatted schema representations of resources.
UserAgentInsertInterceptor |
An interceptor class that updates the User Agent String of the request with user info.
UserJobResourcesAggregate |
An aggregate of running jobs and memory used for a given user.
UserMetricsProperties |
Properties related to publishing of user metrics.
UserMetricsTask |
A task which publishes user metrics.
UserResourcesSummary |
A summary of the resources used by a given user.
UserRestController |
A helper RestController which allows the UI to request information about the current user.
Util |
CLI utility methods.
V4JobRequestProjection |
Projection of just the fields needed for a V4 JobRequest .
ValidationAutoConfiguration |
Configuration for bean validation within Genie.
WaitJobCompletionStage |
Wait for job process to exit.
WhitelistedVersionAgentMetadataInspector |
An AgentMetadataInspector that accepts agent whose version matches a regular expression
(obtained via properties) and rejects everything else.
ZookeeperAutoConfiguration |
Auto configuration for Zookeper components.
ZookeeperProperties |
Properties related to Zookeeper.