Class AgentJobServiceImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • AgentJobServiceImpl

        public AgentJobServiceImpl​(DataServices dataServices,
                                   JobResolverService jobResolverService,
                                   AgentFilterService agentFilterService,
                                   AgentConfigurationService agentConfigurationService,
                                   io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry meterRegistry)
        dataServices - The DataServices instance to use
        jobResolverService - The specification service to use
        agentFilterService - The agent filter service to use
        agentConfigurationService - The agent configuration service
        meterRegistry - The metrics registry to use
    • Method Detail

      • getAgentProperties

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getAgentProperties​(@Valid
                                                                                         @Valid AgentClientMetadata agentClientMetadata)
        Provide configuration properties for an agent that is beginning to execute a job.
        Specified by:
        getAgentProperties in interface AgentJobService
        agentClientMetadata - The metadata about the agent starting to run a given job
        a map of properties for the agent
      • reserveJobId

        public java.lang.String reserveJobId​(@Valid
                                             @Valid JobRequest jobRequest,
                                             @Valid AgentClientMetadata agentClientMetadata)
        Reserve a job id and persist job details in the database based on the supplied JobRequest.
        Specified by:
        reserveJobId in interface AgentJobService
        jobRequest - The job request containing all the metadata needed to reserve a job id
        agentClientMetadata - The metadata about the agent driving this job request
        The unique id of the job which was saved in the database
      • getJobSpecification

        public JobSpecification getJobSpecification​(@NotBlank
                                                    @NotBlank java.lang.String id)
        Get a job specification if has been resolved.
        Specified by:
        getJobSpecification in interface AgentJobService
        id - the id of the job to retrieve the specification for
        The job specification for the job
      • dryRunJobSpecificationResolution

        public JobSpecification dryRunJobSpecificationResolution​(@Valid
                                                                 @Valid JobRequest jobRequest)
                                                          throws GenieJobResolutionException
        Run the job specification resolution algorithm on the given input but save nothing in the system.
        Specified by:
        dryRunJobSpecificationResolution in interface AgentJobService
        jobRequest - The job request containing all the metadata needed to resolve a job specification
        The job specification that would have been resolved for the given input
        GenieJobResolutionException - On error resolving the job given the input parameters and system state
      • claimJob

        public void claimJob​(@NotBlank
                             @NotBlank java.lang.String id,
                             @Valid AgentClientMetadata agentClientMetadata)
        Set a job identified by id to be owned by the agent identified by agentClientMetadata. The job status in the system will be set to JobStatus.CLAIMED
        Specified by:
        claimJob in interface AgentJobService
        id - The id of the job to claim. Must exist in the system.
        agentClientMetadata - The metadata about the client claiming the job
      • updateJobStatus

        public void updateJobStatus​(@NotBlank
                                    @NotBlank java.lang.String id,
                                    JobStatus currentStatus,
                                    JobStatus newStatus,
                                    java.lang.String newStatusMessage)
        Update the status of the job identified with id to be newStatus provided that the current status of the job matches newStatus. Optionally a status message can be provided to provide more details to users. If the newStatus is JobStatus.RUNNING the start time will be set. If the newStatus is a member of JobStatus.getFinishedStatuses() and the job had a started time set the finished time of the job will be set.
        Specified by:
        updateJobStatus in interface AgentJobService
        id - The id of the job to update status for. Must exist in the system.
        currentStatus - The status the caller to this API thinks the job currently has
        newStatus - The new status the caller would like to update the status to
        newStatusMessage - An optional status message to associate with this change
      • getJobStatus

        public JobStatus getJobStatus​(@NotBlank
                                      @NotBlank java.lang.String id)
        Retrieve the status of the job identified with id.
        Specified by:
        getJobStatus in interface AgentJobService
        id - The id of the job to look up.
        the current status of the job, as seen by this node
      • updateJobArchiveStatus

        public void updateJobArchiveStatus​(@NotBlank
                                           @NotBlank java.lang.String id,
                                           ArchiveStatus newArchiveStatus)
        Update the archive status status of the job identified with id to be newStatus. Notice this is a 'blind write', the currently persisted value will always be overwritten.
        Specified by:
        updateJobArchiveStatus in interface AgentJobService
        id - The id of the job to update status for. Must exist in the system.
        newArchiveStatus - The new archive status the caller would like to update the status to