API Docs for:

File: app/components/nf-horizontal-line.js

import Ember from 'ember';
import HasGraphParent from 'ember-nf-graph/mixins/graph-has-graph-parent';
import RequireScaleSource from 'ember-nf-graph/mixins/graph-requires-scale-source';

  Draws a horizontal line on the graph at a given y domain value
  @namespace components
  @class nf-horizontal-line
  @extends Ember.Component
  @uses mixins.graph-has-graph-parent
  @uses mixins.graph-requires-scale-source
export default Ember.Component.extend(HasGraphParent, RequireScaleSource, {
  tagName: 'line',

  attributeBindings: ['lineY:y1', 'lineY:y2', 'x1', 'x2'],

  classNames: ['nf-horizontal-line'],

    The y domain value at which to draw the horizontal line
    @property y
    @type Number
    @default null
  y: null,

    The computed y coordinate of the line to draw
    @property lineY
    @type Number
  lineY: Ember.computed('y', 'yScale', function(){
    var y = this.get('y');
    var yScale = this.get('yScale');
    var py = yScale ? yScale(y) : -1;
    return py && py > 0 ? py : 0;

    The left x coordinate of the line
    @property x1
    @type Number
    @default 0
  x1: 0,

    The right x coordinate of the line
    @property x2
    @type Number
  x2: Ember.computed.alias('graph.graphWidth'),