The config file is in TOML format.
Chaos Monkey will look for a file named chaosmonkey.toml
in the following
(current directory)/apps/chaosmonkey
Here is an example configuration file:
enabled = true
schedule_enabled = true
leashed = false
accounts = ["production", "test"]
host = ""
name = "chaosmonkey"
user = "chaosmonkey"
encrypted_password = "securepasswordgoeshere"
endpoint = ""
Note that while the field is called "encrypted_password", you should put the unencrypted version of your password here. Chaos Monkey currently only ships with a no-op (do nothing) password decryptor.
The following example shows all of the default values:
enabled = false # if false, won't terminate instances when invoked
leashed = true # if true, terminations are only simulated (logged only)
schedule_enabled = false # if true, will generate schedule of terminations each weekday
accounts = [] # list of Spinnaker accounts with chaos monkey enabled, e.g.: ["prod", "test"]
start_hour = 9 # time during day when starts terminating
end_hour = 15 # time during day when stops terminating
# tzdata format, see TZ column in
# Other allowed values: "UTC", "Local"
time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles" # time zone used by start.hour and end.hour
term_account = "root" # account used to run the term_path command
max_apps = 2147483647 # max number of apps Chaos Monkey will schedule terminations for
# location of command Chaos Monkey uses for doing terminations
term_path = "/apps/chaosmonkey/"
# cron file that Chaos Monkey writes to each day for scheduling kills
cron_path = "/etc/cron.d/chaosmonkey-daily-terminations"
# decryption system for encrypted_password fields for spinnaker and database
decryptor = ""
# event tracking systems that records chaos monkey terminations
trackers = []
# metric collection systems that track errors for monitoring/alerting
error_counter = ""
# outage checking system that tells chaos monkey if there is an ongoing outage
outage_checker = ""
host = "" # database host
port = 3306 # tcp port that the database is lstening on
user = "" # database user
encrypted_password = "" # password for database auth, encrypted by decryptor
name = "" # name of database that contains chaos monkey data
endpoint = "" # spinnaker api url
certificate = "" # path to p12 file when using client-side tls certs
encrypted_password = "" # password used for p12 certificate, encrypted by decryptor
user = "" # user associated with terminations, sent in API call to terminate
# For dynamic configuration options, see viper docs
provider = "" # options: "etcd", "consul"
endpoint = "" # url for dynamic provider
path = "" # path for dynamic provider
Note that many of these configuration parameters (decryptor, trackers, error_counter, outage_checker) currently only have no-op implementations.