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spectator-py Usage

Python thin-client metrics library for use with Atlas and SpectatorD.

Supported Python Versions

This library currently targets the Python >= 3.8.


Install this library for your project as follows:

pip install netflix-spectator-py

Instrumenting Code

Simple Example

import logging

from flask import Flask, request, Response
from flask.logging import default_handler
from spectator.registry import Registry

root_logger = logging.getLogger()

registry = Registry()

app = Flask(__name__)

def root():
    return Response("Usage: /api/v1/play?country=foo&title=bar")

@app.route("/api/v1/play", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def play():
    country = request.args.get("country", default="none")
    title = request.args.get("title", default="none")
    registry.counter("server.requestCount", {"version": "v1"}).increment()
    return Response(f"requested play for country={country} title={title}")

Save this snippet as, then flask --app app run.

Complex Example

import logging

from flask import Flask, request, Response
from flask.logging import default_handler
from spectator.config import Config
from spectator.registry import Registry
from spectator.stopwatch import StopWatch

root_logger = logging.getLogger()

config = Config(extra_common_tags={"nf.platform": "my_platform"})
registry = Registry(config)

request_count_id = registry.new_id("server.requestCount", {"version": "v1"})
request_latency = registry.timer("server.requestLatency")
response_size = registry.distribution_summary("server.responseSize")

app = Flask(__name__)

def root():
    return Response("Usage: /api/v1/play?country=foo&title=bar")

@app.route("/api/v1/play", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def play():
    if request.method == "GET":
        with StopWatch(request_latency):
            status_code = 200
            country = request.args.get("country", default="none")
            title = request.args.get("title", default="none")

            tags = {"country": country, "title": title, "status": str(status_code)}
            request_count_with_tags = request_count_id.with_tags(tags)
            counter = registry.counter_with_id(request_count_with_tags)

            message = f"requested play for country={country} title={title}"
            return Response(message, status=status_code)
        status_code = 405

        tags = {"status": str(status_code)}
        request_count_with_tags = request_count_id.with_tags(tags)
        counter = registry.counter_with_id(request_count_with_tags)

        return Response("unsupported request method", status=status_code)

Save this snippet as, then flask --app app run.


Standard Usage

Instantiate a Registry object, with either a default or custom Config, and use it to create and manage MeterId and Meter objects.

from spectator.registry import Registry

registry = Registry()

Legacy Usage

The GlobalRegistry concept is a hold-over from the thick-client version of this library, but it has been maintained to help minimize the amount of code change that application owners need to implement when adopting the thin client version of the library. It existed as a concept in the thick client because it was stateful, and required starting background threads. The thin client version is stateless.

Importing the GlobalRegistry instantiates a Registry with a default Config that applies process-specific common tags based on environment variables and opens a UDP socket to the local SpectatorD agent. The remainder of the instance-specific common tags are provided by SpectatorD. Once imported, the GlobalRegistry can be used to create and manage Meters.

from spectator import GlobalRegistry



This package provides the following loggers:

  • spectator.meter.meter_id, which reports invalid tags at WARNING level.
  • spectator.registry, which reports Registry status messages at INFO level, and errors closing writers at ERROR level.
  • spectator.writer, which reports the protocol lines written at DEBUG level, and writing errors at ERROR level.

When troubleshooting metrics collection and reporting, you should set the spectator.meter.meter_id logger to DEBUG level, before the first metric is recorded. For example:

import logging

# record the human-readable time, name of the logger, logging level, thread id and message
    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(thread)d - %(message)s'


Runtime Metrics

Use spectator-py-runtime-metrics. Follow instructions in the README to enable collection.

Working with MeterId Objects

Each metric stored in Atlas is uniquely identified by the combination of the name and the tags associated with it. In spectator-py, this data is represented with MeterId objects, created by the Registry. The new_id() method returns new MeterId objects, which have extra common tags applied, and which can be further customized by calling the with_tag() and with_tags() methods. Each MeterId will create and store a validated subset of the spectatord protocol line to be written for each Meter, when it is instantiated. MeterId objects are immutable, so they can be freely passed around and used concurrently. Manipulating the tags with the provided methods will create new MeterId objects, to assist with maintaining immutability.

Note that all tag keys and values must be strings. For example, if you want to keep track of the number of successful requests, then you must cast integers to strings. The MeterId class will validate these values, dropping or changing any that are not valid, and reporting a warning log.

from spectator.registry import Registry

registry = Registry()
registry.counter("server.numRequests", {"statusCode": str(200)}).increment()

num_requests_id = registry.new_id("server.numRequests", {"statusCode": str(200)})

Atlas metrics will be consumed by users many times after the data has been reported, so they should be chosen thoughtfully, while considering how they will be used. See the naming conventions page for general guidelines on metrics naming and restrictions.

Meter Types

asyncio Support

The Registry provides a UdpWriter by default. UDP is a non-blocking, unordered and connectionless protocol, which is ideal for communicating with a local SpectatorD process in a variety of circumstances. The UdpWriter should be used in asyncio applications.

The FileWriter implementation, which can be used to communicate with the SpectatorD Unix domain socket, for slightly higher performance, does not offer asyncio support at this time.

IPv6 Support

By default, SpectatorD will listen on IPv6 UDP *:1234, without setting the v6_only(true) flag. On dual-stacked systems, this means that it will receive packets from both IPv4 and IPv6, and the IPv4 addresses will show up on the server as IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses.

By default, the UdpWriter will send UDP packets to, which will allow for communication with SpectatorD on dual-stacked systems.

On IPv6-only systems, it may be necessary to change the default configuration using one of the following methods:

  • Configure the following environment variable, which will override the default location Config in the Registry:
export SPECTATOR_OUTPUT_LOCATION="udp://[::1]:1234"
  • Provide a custom Config for the Registry:
from spectator.config import Config
from spectator.registry import Registry

config = Config(location="udp://[::1]:1234")
registry = Registry(config)

Output Location

If you need to override the default output location (UDP) of the Registry, then you can set a Config class location to one of the following supported values:

  • none - Disable output.
  • memory - Write to memory.
  • stderr - Write to standard error for the process.
  • stdout - Write to standard out for the process.
  • udp - Write to the default UDP port for spectatord.
  • unix - Write to the default unix datagram socket for spectatord.
  • file://$path_to_file - Write to a custom file (e.g. file:///tmp/foo/bar).
  • udp://$host:$port - Write to a custom UDP socket.

The SPECTATOR_OUTPUT_LOCATION environment variable accepts the same values, and can be used to override the value provided to the Config class, which may be useful in CI/CD contexts. For example, if you want to disable metrics publishing from the Registry, then you can set:


Batch Usage

When using spectator-py to report metrics from a batch job, ensure that the batch job runs for at least five (5), if not ten (10) seconds in duration. This is necessary in order to allow sufficient time for spectatord to publish metrics to the Atlas backend; it publishes every five seconds. If your job does not run this long, or you find you are missing metrics that were reported at the end of your job run, then add a five-second sleep before exiting: time.sleep(5). This will allow time for the metrics to be sent.

Debug Metrics Delivery to spectatord

In order to see debug log messages from spectatord, create an /etc/default/spectatord file with the following contents:


This will report all metrics that are sent to the Atlas backend in the spectatord logs, which will provide an opportunity to correlate metrics publishing events from your client code.

Design Considerations - Reporting Intervals

This client is stateless, and sends a UDP packet (or unixgram) to spectatord each time a meter is updated. If you are performing high-volume operations, on the order of tens-of-thousands or millions of operations per second, then you should pre-aggregate your metrics and report them at a cadence closer to the spectatord publish interval of 5 seconds. This will keep the CPU usage related to spectator-py and spectatord low (around 1% or less), as compared to up to 40% for high-volume scenarios.

Writing Tests

To write tests against this library, instantiate an instance of the Registry and provide a Config that selects the MemoryWriter. This Writer stores all updates in a List[str]. Use the writer() method on the Registry to access the writer, then inspect the last_line() or get() all messages to verify your metrics updates.

import unittest

from spectator.config import Config
from spectator.registry import Registry

class MetricsTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_counter(self):
        r = Registry(Config("memory"))

        c = r.counter("server.numRequests")

        self.assertEqual("c:server.numRequests:1", r.writer().last_line())

Protocol Parser

A SpectatorD line protocol parser is available, which ca be used for validating the results captured by a MemoryWriter.

import unittest

from spectator.meter.counter import Counter
from spectator.protocol_parser import get_meter_class, parse_protocol_line

class ProtocolParserTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_parse_counter_with_multiple_tags(self):
        symbol, id, value = parse_protocol_line("c:counter,foo=bar,baz=quux:1")
        self.assertEqual("c", symbol)
        self.assertEqual(Counter, get_meter_class(symbol))
        self.assertEqual({"foo": "bar", "baz": "quux"}, id.tags())
        self.assertEqual("1", value)