Line Styles
There are four line styles available:
Multiple styles can be used in the same chart or combined with other operations.
The default style is line.
/api/v1/graph? e=2012-01-01T00:00 &no_legend=1 &q= name,sps,:eq, (,nf.cluster,),:by, :line &s=e-1w
Area will fill the space between the line and 0 on the Y-axis. The alpha setting is just used to help visualize the overlap.
/api/v1/graph? e=2012-01-01T00:00 &no_legend=1 &q= name,sps,:eq, (,nf.cluster,),:by, :area, 40,:alpha &s=e-1w
Similarly for negative values:
/api/v1/graph? e=2012-01-01T00:00 &no_legend=1 &q= name,sps,:eq, (,nf.cluster,),:by, :neg, :area, 40,:alpha &s=e-1w
Stack is similar to area, but will stack the filled areas on top of each other.
/api/v1/graph? e=2012-01-01T00:00 &no_legend=1 &q= name,sps,:eq, (,nf.cluster,),:by, :stack &s=e-1w
Similarly for negative values:
/api/v1/graph? e=2012-01-01T00:00 &no_legend=1 &q= name,sps,:eq, (,nf.cluster,),:by, :neg, :stack &s=e-1w
Stacked Percentage¶
The stack style can be combined with the :pct operator to get a stacked percentage chart for a group by:
/api/v1/graph? e=2012-01-01T00:00 &no_legend=1 &q= name,sps,:eq, (,nf.cluster,),:by, :pct, :stack &s=e-1w
Since 1.8.
Plotting many time series with a heat map can be useful for identifying concentrations of measurements where individual lines may produce too much noise.
See Heatmap for more details.
/api/v1/graph? e=2012-01-01T00:00 &q= name,sps,:eq, (,nf.cluster,),:by, :heatmap
Vertical Span¶
The vertical span style converts non-zero to spans. This is often used to highlight some portion of another line.
/api/v1/graph? e=2012-01-01T00:00 &no_legend=1 &q= name,sps,:eq, 50e3,:gt, :vspan &s=e-1w
Line styles can be combined, e.g., to highlight the portion of a line that is above a threshold:
/api/v1/graph? e=2012-01-01T00:00 &no_legend=1 &q= name,sps,:eq, :dup, 5003,:gt, :vspan, 40,:alpha, 50e3 &s=e-1w
The z-order is based on the order of the expression on the stack.
/api/v1/graph? e=2015-03-10T13:13 &no_legend=1 &q= t,name,sps,:eq, :sum, :set, t,:get, :stack, t,:get, 1.1,:mul, 6h,:offset, t,:get, 4,:div, :stack &s=e-2d