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Priam exposes multiple configuration via You can choose to override the defaults configuration used by Priam by specifying properties. The defaults provided on this page are implemented by class.

Priam has several ConfigSource bindings. The ordering of these ConfigSources determines how Priam will resolve the properties for a given instance. These sources also allow other config sources to be attached.

Priam by default ships with hookup for SimpleDB as the ConfigSource.

PriamConfiguration looks for properties specified in the PriamProperties SimpleDB domain. To create a property, create an item with the following attributes (the item name is not important, but it may be beneficial to set it to cluster name + property name): * appId : Your cluster name * property: Name of the property * value: Property value

Cluster name is inferred from your ASG name( my_cluster). Multi zone clusters should have ASG suffixed with a zone identifier '-{zone}' ( my_cluster-useast1a), i.e., {clustername}-{zone}.

Example: If you want to change the jmx port to 7200 for your cluster 'my_cluster', create the item: * Item name : my_clusterpriam.jmx.port * appId : my_cluster * property: priam.jmx.port * value: 7200


Priam exposes all the configuration items used to configure various components in Priam via REST API.

Get all configurations


This returns all the configuration as resolved by Priam in a JSON blob.

Get a configuration


This will return the configuration (as JSON) as resolved by Priam. Note: This requires the caller to know the name of the java functions, and is thus not recommended.

Example for success:

curl http://localhost:8080/Priam/REST/v1/config/structured/group/dynamicSnitchEnabled

In case of failure:

{"message":"No such structured config: [queueSize]"}

Configuration dump to local file

Priam also dumps these resolved configurations (from multiple ConfigSource) into a local file at regular intervals (default: 1 min) so that any other tool using Priam can consume these configurations. Note: Priam by default changes the permission of this file so non Priam users cannot read it, as configurations may contain sensitive information.


  1. priam.configMerge.cron: Cron expression to get the resolved configurations dumped to local file. Default: 0 * * * * ? * (1 minute).
  2. priam.configMerge.dir: Directory where to dump the resolved configurations. Default: /tmp/priam_configuration.