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Enabling Authentication and Authorization on Cassandra

By default, Priam does NOT enable authentication or authorization to Cassandra cluster. Any running Cassandra cluster can be converted to authenticated and/or authorized cluster.

  1. Make sure following parameters are either commented or do not exist in cassandra.yaml before enabling authentication / authorization on Cassandra, if not done will generate huge schema differences.
  1. Set Cassandra in transitional mode by setting the following properties:
priam.authenticator = com.datastax.bdp.cassandra.auth.TransitionalAuthenticator
priam.authorizer = com.datastax.bdp.cassandra.auth.TransitionalAuthorizer

This is important as it will allow existing clients to connect to Cassandra while we make all the changes.

  1. Re-start Priam and C* on a node and ensure that the system_auth KS is created by logging using the default cassandra user/password.

    ```sql cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra cqlsh> use system_auth ; cqlsh:system_auth> desc TABLEs credentials permissions users cqlsh:system_auth> select * from system_auth.users ;

    name | super -----------+------- cassandra | True ```

  2. Alter the system_auth KS to all the DC's your cluster is in. For example:

Alter KEYSPACE system_auth WITH replication = { 'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',  'us-east': '3', 'us-east-2': '3'};
  1. Create the users and alter the default password for user "cassandra".
Alter user cassandra with password XYZ 
CREATE USER appuser1 WITH PASSWORD 'password';
  1. Repair the keyspace to ensure data is propogated to all the instances.
nodetool repair system_auth
  1. Change the authenticator and authorizer property in Priam to following values: = true
priam.authenticator = org.apache.cassandra.auth.PasswordAuthenticator
priam.authorizer = org.apache.cassandra.auth.CassandraAuthorizer
  1. Perform a rolling restart of Priam and Cassandra on all the instances.